Mission of MTHCC
Inspired by our namesake, the mission of MTHCC, a 501 c3 organization is to advance the sport of cycling through the support of recreational and social cycling activities which promote and provide positive health and well-being benefits to the community at large. We are a 501 c3 organization that believes in supporting the community of cycling and other the community at large
Come join us as we:
Promote and develop the sport of cycling at all levels; promote the use of bicycles; promote bicycle safety;
Promote awareness of bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities on public thoroughfares;
organize, conduct and support bicycling events;
Provide instruction regarding the care and maintenance of bicycles;
Provide an opportunity for members to socialize with others who have an interest in bicycles;
maintain an active and supportive role in the community;
Promote and hold, either alone or jointly with others, cycle events;
Apply for grants from appropriate entities for the development of the sport of cycling;
collect and disseminate information on all matters relating to the sport of cycling with other bodies having similar objectives to MTHCC;
Raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of memberships and otherwise PROVIDED THAT the Club shall not undertake permanent trading activities in raising funds for the said goals.